The Peer Review is an open-access, multimodal journal intended to showcase the work of graduate, undergraduate, and secondary education tutors engaged in writing center research. Although we accept work from more established writing center scholars, we are especially interested in submissions from new voices in writing center studies. We also welcome co-authored pieces and those that engage image, sound, and video in less traditional formats. Our Editorial Team is committed to mentorship and we welcome any queries. If you are interested in editing a Special Issue, please see our Guidelines for Special Issue Proposal.
As of February 2025, TPR is in editorial transition and it will likely take us several months to get back to any submissions that come through the portal. Thank you for your patience as we secure and train the incoming TPR editorial team!
Please contact us at editorstpr@gmail.com with any questions.
Conversation Shapers
TPR is currently accepting submission for a new publication type: Conversation Shapers. Conversation Shapers are projects that work to shape future writing center research. Conversation Shapers include a curated bibliography on a single, focused writing center topic such as but not limited to: Linguistic Justice in the Writing Center, Social Justice in Online Centers, Anti-Racist Tutoring Training, Accessibility in the Center, Tutor Labor Conditions, Director Labor Conditions. Conversation Shapers should have an overarching equity and inclusive theme to them and amplify scholarship authored by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). A Conversation Shaper submission should include a 500-word framing statement that introduces the topic, its connection to equity and inclusion, and summarizes the bibliography. Following the framing statement, the bibliography should be formatted in APA and include 20-25 sources. While sources can be from related fields of study, at least half of the sources should be writing center scholarship. Following the bibliography should be a “where we’d like the field to go” section. In this field shaping section, authors should offer research questions or scholarship that they’d like to read. Preference will be given to undergraduate and graduate tutors to author reading lists. If professionals are interested in submitting a Conversation Shaper, we encourage you to collaborate with a tutor.
If interested in authoring a Conversation Shaper, please submit a one-paragraph proposal to the TRP Editorial Team that details your theme. The TRP Editorial team will review all proposals. Accepted proposals will be assigned to a TPR Editorial Team Member who will mentor the author through the curation of their submission and then send the list out for review.
Conversation Shapers will be published with General Issues and may be published ahead of print when Special Issues are being published.
The Peer Review publishes at least two issues per year: Spring and Fall. To help streamline the submission and review process, TPR follows two review cycles.
If you are interested in having your project included in a Spring issue, please submit by June 15th. Projects submitted by June 15th will be reviewed between July 1st and September 1st.
If you are interested in having your project included in a Fall issue, please submit by March 1st. Projects submitted by March 1st will be reviewed between March 15th and May 1st.
TPR follows APA Style. Please include an abstract and list of keywords with your submission.
If your submission includes work with human participations, please indicate in your submission you’ve acquired approval from your institution’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) or your institution’s equivalent.
Please see the TPR Style Guide, our Accessibility Guide, and TPR Policy on Author Use of AI (Including ChatGPT) for specific guidelines for preparing your submission.
After your article has been reviewed, you will receive instructions for revision. As you revise your manuscript, please refer to TPR‘s revision guide: You’ve Gotten Feedback, Now What?